CMGT - Business & Assets
We understand the volatility in fiat currency.
CMGTokens, or ERC20 stablecoins, are created to alleviate volatility, relative to some “stable” asset or basket of assets and can be used as a trusted conduit to assist in the exchange/trade of services and commodities.
CMGT through MetaMask wallets allows token holders that giant quantum leap of owning and securely using these asset-based tokens in full confidence not just as the trusted utitlity token within the community, but also one that carries with it, real world asset backing allowing proportionate access and swaps to business revenue streams of the community.
Assets include rights & ownership holdings,
in, and not limited to:
Canada Property Gold $ Reserves
AAA Government 2 to 50 year bonds
BTC (Bitcoin) Hedge
Participating / Managed Business
CMGToken Contract Address 0x11600589cf5E12697c5E6820dB74CfC12b917506
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